dassoXTR Fused Bamboo®

dassoXTR Fused Bamboo ® Decking is an exciting new product Excelsior is ecstatic to offer this season! Globally known as a superior exterior product, Fused Bamboo® Decking is natural, durable and nothing less than beautiful. Using a patented process (in four countries, US pending) dassoXTR has created a product so strong, the Janka rating is even higher than IPE!

Bamboo materials have a reputation in the wood business as the “the green solution”. With this in mind, dassoXTR Fused Bamboo ® Decking is made up of carbonized bamboo, resulting in the ultimate eco-friendly product. The consistent dark tone creates a luxurious look found at the establishments of some of the most popular brands in the world today.

Board measurements are nominal dimensions and offered in grooved two edges or one edge. Boards are reversible depending on which face is desired and end matched for easy installation.

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  • Specie: Fused Bamboo
  • Janka Rating: 3850
  • Thickness: 3/4″ actual
  • Widths: 5-3/8″ actual
  • Lengths: 6′ lengths only, end-matched
  • Grade: solid or grooved
  • Kiln Dried: N/A
  • Solid Wood or Engineered: Engineered
  • Lumber Source: sourced from New York State supplier
  • Coating Options: pre-primed (Woca Oil)
  • Character: dark, tropical hardwood appearance
  • Texture: smooth


The Janka Hardness Test measures how many pounds of force it takes to embed a .444” steel ball halfway into a piece of wood. This is helpful in determining if a wood specie is suitable for flooring. Harder wood species have higher numbers. Red Oak is our industry-standard for comparing different species. It has a Janka rating of 1290. Most hardwoods and many types of softwood are suitable for use as flooring, especially with proper install, coatings, and maintenance. Please note that all wood will dent with a forceful enough impact.

An example from Hypertextbook.com:

"Humans will only have one foot on the ground while walking. Estimate that the area of the heel on a man's shoe is 10in². When he walks, a 200 lb. man exerts 20 psi because the weight is supported momentarily by the heel. A 100 lb. woman exerts many more psi when she wears heels. Depending on the area of the heel, she can exert as much as 1600 psi under a 'stiletto heel' ¼ inch on a side. This explains why people with wood floors don't want women walking on them in high heels.”

  • Wood is sterilized and insects are killed during this process. While some reclaimed wood is quite dry we must take this step to ensure that insects will not be moving into your home.
  • Kiln dried wood absorbs coatings better. In fact, coatings will last longer.
  • Kiln drying wood decreases shrinkage and movement in service. Non-kiln dried wood may shrink and de-form as it loses moisture from its environment.

Decreased weight makes for easier handling and installations.

Note: There is no way to prevent wood from absorbing water and releasing water into its environment. Trees are designed to drink water and this property can’t be completely diminished. Kiln drying is an important step in reducing (not eliminating) movement in your floors.

Upon inquiry, we will provide a written quote for approval and acceptance. Please review the quote carefully and verify that all quantities, species, sizes are what you ordered. The written quote must be signed and the required deposit must be received by Excelsior to initiate the order.

Be sure to properly store and acclimate your siding and decking at the job site.

Proper storage of your exterior wood products is critical for a successful installation. Understanding your job site conditions and how they impact wood products is essential in determining proper storage methods.

The wood should be kept dry. The goal is to keep the product from direct exposure to the elements (sun, rain, sleet, snow, etc.) prior to installation while allowing it to acclimate. Be advised that your product must also be protected from the ground below and its detrimental effects of moisture infiltration.

Failure to properly store your material can and likely will result in the manifestation of many damaging effects. Proper on-site storage is not Excelsior Wood Products’ responsibility.

Here are some tips to consider that could help keep your siding and decking in good condition prior to installation:

  • Keep the wood products elevated off the ground a minimum of 4″-6″ on a flat surface.
  • Place a moisture barrier, like a tarp, on the ground beneath the pack.
  • Cover the unit with a moisture barrier. Elevate the center so water doesn’t pool on the top.
  • Do not completely seal the bundle. Air should be able to circulate fully around and throughout the stack. The goal is for the material to acclimate to the temperature and humidity of the job site. Generally speaking, in our region most wood products are ready to install when they are below a 15% moisture content.
  • For best air circulation and acclimation sticker each layer.
  • If your siding or decking is pre-coated be careful that you do not get sticker marks on the faces of the boards. In this case, you could stack a layer face to face leaving the slip sheets (thin plastic sheets separating the boards) between the boards so they do not adhere together causing sticking and peeling. Be sure to protect the exposed faces of the boards, even if it is not pre-coated.

In any case, if your order has slip sheets, we encourage you to leave these between the boards until you are ready to install. They will help the boards from sticking together and peeling off the coatings.

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