November 6, 2023
If you've ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of Excelsior’s wood shop, today's your lucky day. Our very own Ron Sauer (and Piper!) gave an exclusive look at the processes, team, and hidden treasures that make Excelsior the magical warehouse our clients love.
Ron walked through the process of milling and finishing wood, and the making of our signature wood briquettes. The warehouse was stocked with wood from all stages of life–from raw logs to live edge slabs and wood milled to perfection. One thing you might not expect is the unique vintage motorcycles and carriages housed in our Grab & Go Store! Ron's eclectic taste adds a special touch and reminds us that Excelsior is not just about wood, but the people.
It's not every day that you get to peek behind the curtain of our wood studio. Our unexpected visit revealed not just the processes but also the heart of the brand. Watch the full video for all the fun happening behind the scenes with Ron, Piper, and the rest of the Excelsior crew!